If you were to die today...
Feb 03, 2022 2:46 pm
would you be happy with the life you have lived up until this point?
There are a lot of "walking dead" around us.
Meaning, a lot of people who sadly aren't truly living.
Maybe you are one of them.
Maybe your parents are one of them.
Maybe your friends and family are one of them.
We all know one, or more, of them.
To die is to assume one lived... yet what do you call someone who isn't living but is alive?
Fuck CJ, why so heavy this morning?
The thing is, ^^^ this stuff is light to me.
I think about it all the time.
The preciousness that is life.
A flip of a coin could determine your fate on any given day, any given moment.
Yet you have people around you arguing over the absolute dumbest fucking shit on this planet every single day.
And I am the "weird" one because I think about death a lot... but the guy/girl who argues on [insert any social media platform] all day over nonsense, is normal.
Okay that argument is a post for another day.
I came here to be practical for you.
Why did I start with the subject line I did?
Because I talk with a lot of people from mid 20's - 60's. And although there is a lot that is different within their respective lives, the one common theme I notice is they all seem to want more from their own lives, yet they don't know the decisions they should make to get there.
And I believe I have a rational solution for it.
Thinking about death.
Anytime that I am stuck between difficult decisions, I ask myself, which one would add to the story of my life that I want to tell?
If I go left or right, which decision would be worth risking my life over?
^^^ when is the last time you ask yourself this? Have you ever asked yourself this?
Is that argument in the car with your loved one worth your life?
Is driving to the job you have worth your life?
Is scrolling on your screen and getting angry at what others post worth your life?
Are the decisions you make every day worth your life?
Old me would have responded with "a lot of my decisions and choices I make are not aligned with the LIFE I wish to live."
And I could have written them down to see them on paper.
Theoretically, with them written down, it would allow me to stop making those decisions, and instead, it would open up space for me to make better decisions and turn the dreams I had in my head, the dreams of the life I wished to live, it would help me make decisions which would bring those dreams to reality ever day I wake up.
Oh wait..
That did happen.
Visualizing my own death, and living through the demise of loved ones around me, CHANGED THE DECISIONS I WAS MAKING.
And now my life is a dream.
I want the same for YOU!
- Get out a piece of paper.
- Analyze yourself and the decisions you have been making.
- Write down the decisions you are proud of.
- Write down the decisions you despise yourself for.
- Write down the story of what it means for your truly live life and BE ALIVE.
- Write down the decisions, habits, and action you need to make to make #5 happen.
- STFU and stop telling people what you will do, and ACTUALLY GO DO IT.
By the time your day comes, your answer to the subject line might be something like this...
YES I have been living the story that I wrote for myself, and even though I wish there were more chapters to that story, I am damn proud and happy with the book I have written up until this point.
p.s. I am grateful for life.