The answers are not in the building.

Jan 21, 2022 3:06 pm

The subject line is a startup phrase. Often entrepreneurs can get stuck in their own minds without realizing most of the answers they seek... are out in the world and won't come to them while they are "hustling" on their computer or phone.

The phrase can be used for you even though you may not be an entrepreneur.

Why did I choose this topic this morning?

Because I am currently "out in the world" seeking some answers.

Here is my current view as I write this.


At the moment, I am with 6 other men in a cabin in the middle of nowhere Colorado.

All of us are on our own journey, yet we all seem to have the common theme in our lives of we come on trips like this to surrender to the experience. As high performers, this is a time for us to let go of the need to control everything. We get to just hang and adventure with no expectations.

These experiences give us the chance to ask ourselves the tough questions we are typically too busy to ask ourselves. Or even if we do ask ourselves, we struggle to find the answers in all the noise of everyday life.

  1. What is my purpose on earth?
  2. Who are the people I feel I am being called to serve?
  3. Who is the man I want to become?
  4. How do I plan to fulfill all the questions above?
  5. And so many more deep questions.

I have found the trees, rocks, the snow, the sand, the ocean, the cliffs, the views... all have more answers for me than the boardroom does.

And something deep within me tells me it is the same for every human being.

Yet when is the last time you sought to find your answers outside of your daily life?

It is an honest question.

If it has been awhile, consider booking a trip for this winter/spring.

If it has been never... maybe just book yourself an AirbnB within an hour of your current place. Use it as a time to just reset.

A goal of mine as I am on my own journey, is to host retreats and meetups of people who wish to do the same.

Because THRIVING doesn't happen by doing the same old same old every month.

It starts with seeking adventure and answers outside of the norm.

And so we will continue on this journey of questions for the rest of our lives.

I hope you consider joining us.



p.s. today I am grateful for the ability to have other people in my life who are willing to be vulnerable with me and ask the tough questions. It makes life feel so full.
