Learn to say NO...
Jan 27, 2022 2:17 pm
with a bigger YESSSS!
Have you ever heard of zone of proximal development?
If not, go do a quick search. :)
Here's the basics of it...
"The Zone of Proximal Development is defined as the space between what a learner can do without assistance and what a learner can do with adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers."
Okay CJ why the heck are we talking about this?
Because the thing that stops most people from doing anything...
is they think they need to go from A ----> Z in one single step.
Raise your hand if you have stopped yourself from starting out of fear of being inadequate? Or looking like an amateur in front of people you care about what they think?
Both your hands should be raised.
I've been there as well.
The reality is though, when you come out of the womb...
you learn to hold your neck up first, then to roll over, then to crawl ----> stand up and fall ----> stand up and fall less ----> start walking and falling -----> walking and falling less ---> running and falling -----> so on and so forth.
So why is that in your life now as an adult you feel you must be an expert after day 1?
Hell, it takes us 5 years of life before we even enter kindergarten... and from 1-4 we never were like "I suck at everything because I am falling and failing at things all the time." It was our job to fall and then get back up!!!
IT WAS OUR JOB TO GO FROM A ----> B ... and we never even thought about what Z even was.
Where does this apply to your life RIGHT NOW!?!?!?!?
If you know me, you know that a major mission of mine in life is to get people to start new things and progress at them without fear.
Focusing on A ----- > B can help this!
Want to learn a new language? Start by hiring someone to teach you private lessons?
Want to run a marathon? Hire a coach who relates to you and has physically done it themselves.
Want to go on an adventurous travel excursion? Reach out to someone on Instagram who has already completed the trip you hope to go on.
GO FROM A to B!!!
Then B to C... and so on.
When you focus on A --- > B in life, it is easier for you to say HELL YES I am going to do this, rather than if I ask you to go to Z on day one.
Apply this to your life and go crush your day!
p.s. today I am grateful for all the things I have been learning recently. It is crazy what you can learn in a short period of time if you learn to say no to distractions.