"A bird in a cage...

Jan 28, 2022 1:51 pm

is safe.

But god didn't create birds for that."

-Paulo Coelho

He also didn't create humans to sit inside ALONE all damn day, afraid of germs, eating processed foods, drinking high calorie / sugar laced drinks, popping pills....

I could go on and on.

Today's message will be short and simple.

If you find yourself leaning in towards "safety," and trying to control every little aspect of your life, including the lives of those around you...


You were not brought to life by a miracle in the universe to be in an imaginary cage of fear and control.

So if you are reading this, no matter who you are, it is time to open the cage and FLY.

It is time to do what you were put on this earth to do!!!

Take the risk! Quit the job! Start the business! Ask the girl or guy out! Sign up for the race! Travel to that one place that scares you!

A major problem that today's luxuries create, is they make you feel comfortable and cause you to forget what you were truly put on this earth to do.

To fly freely just like the bird.



p.s. today I am grateful for the challenges that life brings. Every day I would much rather be outside the cage, battling the challenges of life, than trapped in an illusion of safety.
