Are you obligated or interested?

Jan 26, 2022 1:33 pm

How much of your day is spent doing things out of obligation, rather than out of your own interests?

Is your work an obligation or an interest?

Is your health an obligation or an interest?

Is your time consumed by obligations, or by interests?

For the rest of this week I want you to notice any resistance you have towards the different things you do every day.

Resistance meaning... you feel friction towards an action or activity. You aren't "all in" on it. Part of you is left questioning "do I really want to do this?"

Let me be clear, I am not talking about the resistance of going to the gym, or the resistance to get out of your warm, cozy bed.

I am talking about the Sunday Scaries you may get because your job looms over you Monday morning, and you truly want a different job/role/career path, but you are obligated to make a paycheck.

The coffee meeting you felt obligated to say yes to because it is a friend of a friend, but you really would rather spend the time focusing on yourself.

The obligations you tell yourself you must follow through with because [insert some story you tell yourself].

Notice these stories you tell yourself this week.

Also notice how these stories take you out of the present moment.

They take you away from living the life you actually want to be living.

When you begin to notice them, you can CHANGE them!

That is for another message though.

This week, just take notice. :)



p.s. today I am grateful for you. At this point I have written over 330+ emails, and if you are the person that is still opening these, thank you. You are helping me lean more into my own interests, and I hope to continue to inspire and motivate you to do the same.
