What a whirlwind two weeks it has been for me.Closed on a new home. (Which meant 8+ trips back and forth between the AirBnb we were staying in, and our storage unit). Flew 4 hours to Boston, drove another 1.5 to Newport Rhode Island, and watched one...
if you keep re-reading the last. Times are changing. And for you to THRIVE in the new world ahead...You must learn to let go of your attachment to what WAS, be grateful for what still IS, and step into what will BECOME.You have a new shot at what it...
for what you want most. What do you want most in this life?Write it down now.More importantly... what are you willing to give up / sacrifice to get what you want most?Write this down too....Most people are great at thinking about question #1.You can...
is helping others become successful. What is the point of having your own island if you are the only one on it? What is the point of achieving great things...if you have no one to share the stories of the trials and tribulations with? Today is a shor...
is to give up necessary lessons. Noah said this to both Erin and I during our Sunday dinner.(Here's Noah if you don't know who he is)...And ever since he said that to Erin and I, I cannot help to think about all the lessons I have learned that have c...
it's about HOW YOU USE IT.Are you utilizing your money for the good of yourself and the world? Or do you waste it in areas that you aren't proud of?...The state of the world confuses me at times.On one end you have humans struggling to even eat...And...
"Always work hard on something uncomfortably exciting.” - Larry PageDo you know the most uncomfortable and exciting thing to work on though?YOURSELF.If there is one thing I’d like to pinpoint that makes me happy in the life I live today...It is the f...
“If I only had an hour to chop down a tree, I would spend the first 45 minutes sharpening my axe.” – Abraham Lincoln^^^ This is one of my favorite quotes of all time. Why?Because everyone cheers when results happen.Yet, how many focus on clapping for...
...have something that gets you out of bed. Re-read the subject line and ^^^ again.How do you interpret it? ...Deep down, most people have something in their mind that they wish their life was like when they woke up every morning. Those same people a...
Strive to have an honest and loyal following, not followers.In a world where everywhere you turn is a competition to get likes, comments, and DM’s...How do you truly know what/who is VALUABLE to your own reality?!The likes and comments will give you...