Your greatness, or lack there of, comes down to the systems you have or have not integrated into your life.And one of the most important systems I believe in...Your life operating system.What determines what you want and why you want it? The actions...
The best things that I create…Tend to come from the torture that goes on in my mind. The non-stop chattering that seems to ripple across an infinite loop. No end in sight. Until the build up of angst becomes so great…That it forces an...
Don't be the many.EVERY SINGLE DAY, even Monday’s, are a new opportunity for you to add to your resume. But CJ, I thought you are not a fan of resumes?Correct.I have a significant distaste for the paper kind. The life resume however.......m...
you consider taking your health into your own hands. :)Whether you have been following me for awhile, or are new to the world of my messages, you definitely know that I speak loudly when it comes to personal health and wellness. I want more people, a...
TimeHealthRelationshipsIncomeVisionExperiencesYou should strive to THRIVE....It is that time of year again where you get asked...What are your goals for 2023?What are you dreaming of? Who do you plan to be? The problem with the questions above is tha...
Phew.What a few weeks.I finally find myself looking at my calendar and being able to breathe knowing I have a couple weeks with no races, no events, no guests to tend to... etc.Don't get me wrong, I love the fast paced life.Yet, I am a big believer i...
With our son coming to the world in early 2023, Erin and I have been thinking about the "traditions" that we want to create for our growing family.One of those traditions revolves around how we approach gift-giving every year.Upon having a discussion...
What is up?!?!? Happy freaking Wednesday!What a few weeks it has been.I hope you and your loved ones can find time to enjoy each other's company as we head towards closing out 2022.<333....To close out this year, there have been two A.I. (artifici...
Make your TO BE LIST. During the last session of the festival, Nick Pags was up on the stage speaking, and he mentioned creating a "to be" list.Meaning, ask yourself who do you want to be throughout the day?Do you want to be confident?Do you want to...
One of the best mental model concepts that I believe in, and think EVERYONE should ponder on...If you wouldn't be with the person for a lifetime, don't be with them for a day.If you wouldn't work with the person/company for a lifetime, don't work wit...