It is not what happens to you...

Jun 05, 2023 1:28 pm

It is how you RESPOND.

Cliche I know.

This cliche is my life right now.

I am currently typing this as I wait for a doctor in the local Urgent Care facility to check out what I believe to be an abscess on my lip.


I'm not joking lol.

I wish I was.

Why does this shit always seem to happen when you are on vacation or something like that? Ha.

In life these moments are little lessons that you can choose to pick up on...

Or you can ignore.

Today is one of those lessens for me.

One piece of me wants to be angry and annoyed at the fact that I have to spend my precious vacation time here in this facility.

Another piece of me is grateful that I am currently here out of precaution and not pain/severe injury.

At any given moment in life both these pieces battle for the higher ground.

Sometimes the angry side wins.

Majority of the time the grateful one does.

For you though...

What's the case?

Do you typically react in anger and annoyance?

Or do you RESPOND with gratitude and abundance?

Did you even know that you had this choice? ⬆️

So how am I choosing to respond this morning?


Being kind to the people at the facility.

Spending my energy being creative with my writing here and on Twitter.

Voice chatting with a few of my dear friends.

And calling my amazing Mother after I get cleared to leave the facility to wish her a happy birthday.

I'll then go on to have a wonderful day with my wife, son, and mother-in-law.

The choice is mine to make.

My brain wants me to jump to the angry side.

It can certainly be easier to do so.

My soul needs me to remain grateful and abundant.

The anger, it does me no good.

And it will do you no good in your own life.

So the next time something happens to you...

And your anger or annoyance wants to go into overdrive...

I want you to think of this silly story of me on vacation in Urgent Care.

Remember that you can make the choice in the moment with how you RESPOND.

No matter what the current moment is throwing at you...


p.s. Happy Birthday Mom! Love you!
