You don't lack talent, you lack...
May 26, 2023 2:40 pm
I heard an intriguing quote on the My First Million Podcast yesterday from their guest Steph Smith.
It went something like this➡️ "being great is just showing up and being good consistently."
Which got me thinking…
Most of us have talent, sure.
A few of us have an extreme amount of talent in one area.
Yet, how many of us (think about your friends/family/community) show up day in and day out and work hard at something FOR DECADES?
Very few.
Why is this?
^^^ asking why, this is what made me really dig a bit deeper.
My conclusion:
I feel like so many people put talent and greatness on a pedestal.
So much so, that when they see someone that’s great, they judge them and typically have two types of reactions.
1. Pshhh they got lucky.
2. Pshhh they just have something I don’t have. I could never be great like that.
These are both lies we tell ourselves to deflect from having to look in the mirror and tell ourselves we are being lazy and insecure.
The reality is, MOST OF the greatness you see around you, is by people just like you.
Yet, those people showed up and worked hard to be “good” for an extended period of time.
Their “greatness” is a collection of years/decades of work.
Not a few days of showcasing their extreme talent.
If you begin to fully conceptualize everything I speak about above..
You will acknowledge that it’s much simpler to achieve greatness compared to what you once thought.
All you need to do is go out TODAY and do your best to be good.
Win today.
Then show up for the next decade doing the same thing.
If you do, I will no longer have to ask you if you want to be great…
Because your work, and everyone around you, will be telling me/showing me your greatness.
And it all would have started with you just “being good” today.
p.s. I wrote this email from my phone while standing barefoot in my backyard in direct sunlight. "Work" doesn't have to be done at a desk. Society has just made us believe that work only looks a certain way. Today, I am grateful that I have chosen to redefine what work looks like to me, and I love to inspire others to do the same for themselves.