Don't be the best, be the only.
May 24, 2023 1:41 pm
“Don’t be the best in the world at what you do; be the only one in the world who does what you do.”
⬆️ This quote is me paraphrasing Jerry Garcia, lead guitar of The Grateful Dead.
Exactly 5 weeks ago my life changed forever.
And since then, I have had to adapt my routines, my sleep, my work... my life to the little being that stares back up at me with a glaring wonder for this world.
His new existence in this world has left me pondering my own existence.
Why am I here?
What am I meant to do?
Who am I meant to become?
And if you have been following my journey at all, you know these are the types of questions I ask myself fairly frequently.
The difference this time around?
The answers matter more.
Before Aiden I felt like I was taking a pop quiz that only counted for extra credit.
So if I showed up unprepared, fuck it.
Throw the quiz in the trash.
Now my answers mean something.
Because if I fail...
It's not just me who is impacted.
I'd be lying to you if I said I haven't felt overwhelmed at all the past couple weeks.
I have had my fair share of negative/anxious thoughts.
The reality...
I am built for this.
I love pressure.
I love new challenges.
And I have built up a robust system of habits to help me throughout all areas of my life.
Here is an example...
Having had some feelings of overwhelm, I rely deeply on my healthy habits to keep me going.
Right on cue, one of these habits (listening to podcasts while I run a few miles each day) gave me a slight nudge in the direction I need to be going.
On the podcast it stated the quote that I wrote at the beginning of this message.
And ever since the words "BE THE ONLY" have been ringing in my ears.
How do I interpret these words?
Lean in harder to my authentic self.
Take action on what makes me unique.
Serve and help people that I feel I have a deep connection with.
Be me.
The point of this whole message was to get YOU to realize that you don't need to fall victim to the comparison games the world will throw on you.
You don't have to be the "best" in your school/job/career/etc.
"Best" is subjective a lot of times anyway.
Let me give you a practical example...
I love to compete in HYROX.
And the competitor that I am, sometimes the voice in my head will tell me "fuck everything else in life do what it takes to be #1 in the arena."
Let's say I listened to that voice.
Sure, I could place 1st in a few races.
But at what cost?
I wouldn't be the "best" me.
I wouldn't be the "only" if I did that.
I would fail as a husband.
I would fail as a father.
I would fail as a friend and family member.
I would fail in a lot of areas solely to be the "best" at someone else's game.
Yet, if I strive to be the only...
The possibilities are endless!
Because "best" for ME is doing it all to my greatest ability.
Does that mean I will sacrifice some podiums in certain arenas and aspects of life?
It sure does.
What that sacrifice grants me is worth more.
I will be able to say I am the best at doing everything on MY PATH.
The path ONLY I can go down.
Now I want you to shift this practical example from my life into your own life.
What does it look like for you to "BE THE ONLY?"
Think about a life where you are no longer competing to be anything other than your truest self.
p.s. today I am grateful for the access I have to learn from great people. We live in such an abundant world, we just have remind ourselves to see it that way.