The rooms you are in...
Apr 03, 2023 1:33 pm
...will determine the outcomes that happen in your life.
Let me give a direct example of this.
Saturday morning, where were you?
How were you feeling?
What were you doing?
10 years ago...
I was still in bed.
Doing nothing that was productive towards the goals I had in my mind.
So who would have guessed that I didn't reach many of my goals because of this.
If you raised your hand, you are correct.
I didn't...
Didn't become a pro athlete.
Didn't build a start-up or company that scaled.
Didn't win any fitness competitions or races.
Didn't earn the girl of my dreams.
Worst of it...
Didn't like who I was when I looked at myself in the mirror everyday.
What changed this? ⬆️
I changed the rooms I was walking into.
It started in spring of 2015, with booking a trip to visit Erin (my wife) as a friend.
She was crushing it in Houston as an Engineer + building her online health/wellness personal brand.
And I was lost, unsure of my direction, yet deep within my soul I knew I was meant for more in life.
What that more was, wasn't clear.
I knew that surrounding myself with someone like her, even if it was just for a week, would raise my level immediately, and hopefully bring me the clarity I was seeking.
My life changed forever because I decided to book a flight and enter new rooms that would challenge me.
That one decision changed the course of my life forever.
Which is why I continue to make the decision to walk into new rooms every single week.
And this past weekend, it happened to be a room filled with talented, fit, inspirational, and collaborative people who want to see each other succeed.
That morning I went to Onnit for a community event called "Health and Wealth."
It started with a workout hosted by my friends Claire Bays and Eric Leija and was followed up with a workshop by world-class entrepreneur Codie Sanchez
By 11AM on Saturday morning I had already crushed a legit workout with 30+ others and completed a workshop led by a multi multi-millionaire.
Hell of a difference compared to a decade ago.
Thing is...
I could have been doing this a decade ago if I knew to focus on "the rooms I was entering."
Saying yes to these types of rooms.
And hell no to others.
Which is why I am writing to YOU today.
I want you to either start, or double down, on putting yourself in rooms that will bring you the outcomes that you are striving for!
It is never to late to start!
⬇️ Here are some things I learned on Saturday that I would love to pass on to you.
I am still working on what does this look like for me. My "laziest" idea I believe is something to do with the health and wellness space. I love men's health, fitness, nutrition etc. and do it EVERYDAY. I am also GREAT AT IT. So it would be minimal "work" for me because I enjoy it, and would also have max ROI because people need it and are willing to pay for it.
Erin and I have been protecting our downside for years now, so it was nice to hear Codie speak about this. Currently, we have investments in a diverse amount of vehicles (stocks, real estate, small businesses, startups, health plans, retirement plans, life insurance, etc). We plan to continue to invest in protecting our downside.
I have learned this lesson the hard way multiple times. Making mistakes is fine. Allowing those mistakes to keep happening forever is not!
This year I am working with a PRO when it comes to videography, content creation, and business building... his name is Scott Simmons.
And 3 months into the year I feel like I have improved my skillset and capabilities by YEARS. The fruit I will reap from this will occur down the line, yet for right now, I am focused on continuing to level up everything I am working on, and Scott is a major part of this.
What rooms can you enter?
What ideas can you work on?
How can you protect your downside?
And what professionals can you hire / surround yourself with?
Go make it happen!
And if you are feeling up to it, reply directly to me and make it more serious. Because what gets written down is way more likely to be accomplished.
p.s. today I am grateful that I have access to events like I attended on Saturday. I never take it for granted that I live in a place where I get this type of access.