Your Direction Matters More Than Your Speed.

May 02, 2022 12:47 pm

"You have to put in the time, but the judgment is more important. The direction you're heading in matters more than how fast you move, especially with leverage. Picking the direction you're heading in for every decision is far, far more important than how much force you apply. Just pick the right direction to start walking in, and start walking."

-Naval Ravikant

Everybody wants it now.

You want the money now.

You want the car now.

You want the home now.

You want the relationship now.

You want success now.

You want everything right now.

Because we want things now, it causes a lapse in judgement. We make decisions based off of what gets us close to the "one" thing, yet then we start to realize we are getting pulled away further from other things. This causes us to end up looking like Pinocchio and having the strings of what we "want" pulling us all over the place.

Example: you want money $$$. So you crush yourself putting in the hours to make money, yet then you lose your health. So then you focus on spending your money on your sickness, rather than spending it on what you truly want to. If you had made a proper judgment in the beginning, you would have invested money in maintaining your health because you would acknowledge... "whats the point of making money if you aren't healthy to even enjoy it?"

In life, some of us end up cutting away the strings and freeing ourselves from our Pinocchio state.

Sadly, many others stay trapped for their entire lives.

Proper JUDGMENT is what will free you from the strings that society conditioned you with.

Why do you want money?

Why do you want the car?

Why do you want the home?

Why do you want the relationship?

Why do you want the success?

Why do you want it all without having to work for it?

Your judgment starts with asking yourself WHY in every scenario of your life.

For me,

Why do I want money?

  • To give me TIME freedom that allows me to spend more moments, and make more memories with myself and those I love, to give back to my communities, and to gain more knowledge of our world.

Why do I want the "success?"

  • To answer this, first my (your) definition of "success" needs to be made. Success to me will look different to you, and success to you will look different than many of the people around you. I will not tell you my definition because I do not want to cloud what YOU believe YOUR successful life looks like. Hint: go write down what success looks like to you. :)

Why did I choose to answer those two, yet not the others?

Because the other questions in life sort themselves out when you can understand WHAT success looks like to you, as well as WHY you need the money you strive to make.

If you make wise judgments around these two questions, every day you can align your decisions (judgments) to take one step closer on YOUR PATH.

The speed won't matter if you end up running in the wrong direction. So make sure you are CHOOSING the proper direction first!



p.s. I am grateful that going down the wrong path in my past forced me to reflect and improve my judgment.
