What mountain are you climbing?
Apr 27, 2022 1:40 pm
"Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing at all." -Helen Keller
I just got back to the ATX from a short trip to Colorado.
Why did I go to Colorado?
3 reasons...
- Spend some time with my good friends Eric and Sarah who had just moved to Colorado with their dog Blaze. :)
- Train with Eric to prepare myself for the HYROX world championships in Vegas 2 weeks from now. Eric is a legend when it comes to strength + endurance training, and I am so grateful I get to learn from him.
- Use the time to ask myself some tough personal questions. What is next for me? Where do I want to point my arrow and spend my energy? Who do I want to spend that energy with? What do I want to achieve? Who do I want to achieve it with?
I am at a crossroads in my life.
Maybe you are too?!
To be transparent, I have hit all the goals I ever saw for myself when I was younger.
The girl.
The home.
The community.
The athlete.
The travel.
Notice how I didn't mention money or status. (Fortunately I have always known that the money and status are byproducts, not the end goals).
And now I am searching the depths of my soul to ask it "what is the true purpose for me being alive?"
Why am I here?
Where am I supposed to be?
Who am I supposed to be surrounded by?
And where have I found the the best places to answer these questions for yourself?
Doing hard things, outside in the wilderness, with people you love and look up to.
You will learn a lot about yourself when things get hard.
When your mind wants you to give up.
When you start to question it all.
How you RESPOND to those challenges, in those moments... is EVERYTHING.
Questioning whether to give up is not the problem. It is human.
Actually do so though... that is a choice you will or will not make.
And I am proud to say these last couple days I didn't give in.
I surrendered to the challenges and pushed through.
And I am damn proud of that.
The result?
The seeds from some of the questions I have been asking myself are now starting to sprout.
For the answers to become more clear though, I must continue to water them.
And water them I will.
That is enough about me.
What about you?!?
What challenges have you signed yourself up for recently?
They don't have to be fitness related.
They can be a new course you are taking.
A new career path.
A new city.
A new relationship.
You get to decide the challenges!
What are you doing to challenge yourself to grow into the person that you are meant to become?
One thing is for sure, growth doesn't happen from remaining stagnant. The answers come with movement of your mind, body, and spirit.
So even if you cannot answer the questions I am asking, just point your arrow in any direction and GO. Through the actions you take you will start to receive feedback, and gain clarity on the answers you are seeking for yourself.
p.s. I am grateful that people like Eric and Sarah exist in this world. I had such a blast spending time with them and I am now fueled up to continue serving others around me.