Educate With Purpose
Apr 21, 2022 12:59 pm
"Miss, how do you expect me to care about the Pythagorean theorem... when I almost got raped on my way to school?"
If you listen to the latest THRIVE ON LIFE Podcast (EPISODE 157) that released this morning, you'll know about the quote I reference above.
In the episode, I have a discussion with Dr. Mona Kiani, an ex-school teacher, who is on a mission to help school boards and administrators cultivate a better environment for all our youth. Within these new environments, Mona focuses on bringing more purpose, more passion, and a better sense of WHY to the classroom.
Of course I was fired up during this episode because education is a topic I am very passionate about.
And during the episode I made the statement that "it is never about content, it is about CONTEXT."
Meaning, no matter what the content is, if the child/teenager/adult doesn't understand how it contextual applies to them, the information is useless.
^^^this is the point of this message today.
All of us have a purpose that we hold dearly to our hearts.
And when others contextually speak to that purpose, we can feel it.
Yet, can you remember any moments that school, college, or any traditional "educational" environment spoke to your heart?
Idk about you, but over 16 years in school/college... and basically ZERO amount of times I can think of that spoke to me.
That's because the system wasn't setup to speak to YOUR unique context.
It was only setup to provide the content that they "deemed" necessary for you to shuffle to the next grade.
The sad part is, it hasn't changed since I left those systems. It hasn't changed for decades.
And you, me, we... have to be the solution.
So if you are reading this...
- I am sure in the future you will either have kids, or have family members that have kids.
- Those kids will be entering an environment that will let them down just like it let us down.
- Unless...
We become the change we wish to see.
It starts in our homes.
It starts with finding our own purpose and encouraging EVERYONE, young and naive, or old and wise... to LIVE through their purpose and help others do the same.
We must be the change.
p.s. I am so grateful to have friends like Mona who are actively fighting to build a better world for others. And I am so excited to continue the journey of helping others THRIVE ON LIFE.