You Are Enough.
Apr 25, 2022 1:55 pm
Everyday society will make you feel like you aren't enough. That you need to change who you are.
Fortunately, I have some AMAZING friends who are working with me to change how society operates, and we encourage YOU and the rest of our community to help us do the same.
This past weekend we hosted a community workout that empathized the fact that YOU ARE ENOUGH... and thanks to our friend Jose from KXAN news we are hoping to spread the message.
So today's message will be short and sweet because I'd love to ask you to...
- Help us spread awareness that YOU are enough to others.
- If you have 2 minutes, please go checkout the news segment HERE that Jose put together for us.
p.s. I am beyond grateful for everyone in the world who is building other people up, rather than tearing them down.