It's not what you learn, it's what you UNLEARN.
Apr 19, 2022 12:58 pm
While I was running yesterday I asked myself the question "what do I still have yet to learn?"
And when I dove down that rabbit hole, I found that a lot of what I have yet to learn, it revolves around UNLEARNING the bad habits that I have accrued over the years.
From school, to my friend groups, to my parents, I not only picked up good habits... I picked up bad ones.
And I don't think enough of us give attention to this fact.
We don't want to lift up the lid to look at THE BAD within us.
ALL OF US have things we need to unlearn.
Yet, many of us walk around peacocking like we have life all figured out.
Like our shit doesn't stink.
Or the opposite, we make ourselves small.
We walk around and blame the world for our misfortunes.
When the reality is, it is US, the bad habits in us that cause this view in the first place.
At times in my life, I have been both of the above.
Depending on the day, I was the guy with the cocky know-it-all attitude, or the one who sunk into his misery, and either criticized himself, or blamed every misfortune on the external around him.
Constantly teetering back and forth between the two bad sides of myself.
Yet, with self-reflection I began a journey to understanding these two characters, and how there existence came to be about in the first place.
Cocky -> craving attention I felt I was deserving of receiving -> yet why did I want attention in the first place?
Self-Deprecation / Pointing Fingers -> angry that I didn't get what I wanted
-> yet why was I so focused on "getting" things from life, rather than giving?
I still fall into these traps from time to time.
They are much less successful today.
Because I understand them now, I can acknowledge their existence, "say whatsup" and not allow them to take control.
These are just two examples.
There are a lot more things I have / I am working on unlearning.
From the conditioning of the school system, to how my immediate family viewed / went about life, to the insatiable appetite and feeling of a need to conquer and achieve... I have a lot I am unlearning.
All with a hope this leaves space for me to fill with new things I have learned.
But the question that now remains...
what must YOU go about UNLEARNING?
p.s. today I am grateful for the lessons I have been taught from both the good, and the bad in life.