A big lie you are told...
Apr 15, 2022 1:14 pm
is that success is linear.
Pass the test, move on to the next grade, graduate, get the certificate.
You are a "success."
Get the job, do the tasks, get the raise, manage the team, retire with your retirement money.
You are a "success."
Marry someone, buy a home, have a kid, maybe another...
You are a "success."
What a bunch of bullshit.
Everything we are shown to emulate has so many cracks and holes that we don't see until we step into them ourselves.
Life is so much more than linear.
SUCCESS is so much more than linear.
Heck, you can write your own definition NOW, TODAY, and if you go achieve it, and you are happy and at peace with it, you succeeded.
You may not get the recognition from others.
You may not be seen as a "success."
You may even be told you are the opposite.
Because in your heart, you succeeded.
I have an example for myself.
If you follow me on social you have seen me talking about it a lot over the past 12 months.
Fun fact, it costs me money, time, and a lot of energy to compete.
Many may look and ask "for what?"
And I used to let those types of people get the best of me.
I would struggle with the fact that I wanted to be "known" for my brain, not my body.
Because my ego wanted to be "seen" as intelligent, as knowledgable, as WORTHY of intellectual greatness.
But one day I looked in the mirror and asked myself what brings me the most happiness?
When do I feel at most peace?
And the answer was always SPORTS.
I loved the flow state that movement brought me.
I loved the challenge that it put my mental state in to continue pushing even when my body wanted to quit.
I loved inspiring others to put the practice in so that they would get the results on game day.
By this ^^^ definition, I succeeded.
I don't need to "win."
I don't need to "seem" a certain way.
I don't need to play by anyone's rules except the one's I created for myself.
And now it is your turn!
How can you reflect this weekend, and determine your own road to "success?"
Take away what your friends and family pressure you to do.
Take away what social media shows you.
Take away everything that can distract you from your own heart.
What answer will you find?
I look forward to seeing your response.
p.s. today I am grateful that I am traveling to South Texas with Noah and Erin to bring our sauna to a mens retreat. I very much look forward to providing the group with our sauna and ice experience that I know can fill up the heart and souls of so many people.