? question of the day
Jul 06, 2022 1:39 pm
In 10 years' time, will you be proud of what you are doing now?
I wish I had been asked this every year of college LOL.
I most likely would have adjusted my negative habits much sooner.
What most people fail to realize, is the current moment in which they are complaining, is a moment of time that was already created from their lack of discipline, action, decision making from their past.
They will point the finger at some external factor though.
The media.
The government.
The teacher.
The school.
The relationship.
The [insert whatever fits their narrative]
And sadly, the person that does this, does this their entire life unless they have someone to challenge them.
For me, it was books/digital course/mentors/my wife/entrepreneurship/fitness ... that caused me to realize that how I show up TODAY, it will be the predictor of what my TOMORROW looks like.
AKA if I wish to minimize my complaints tomorrow, I must focus on TODAY.
If you had asked me 10 years ago would I be where I am at in my life today, I would have told you a completely different answer.
But if you ask me this question now, I have a much more clear answer of what my next 10 years may look like.
And that is because I ask myself questions like these often, and my daily actions are my answers to them.
If I flash forwarded 10 years from now, I would be proud of my daily actions and who I show up as everyday.
Can you say the same thing?
What habits must you get rid of?
What habits must you add into your life?
What environments must you leave behind?
What environments must you run towards?
What people must you walk away from?
What people must you begin to hang around?
The person that you are now, what aspects of that person must you kill off to allow yourself to be reborn into the person that you must become?
This is heavy, but it must happen.
The old me is dead.
I can no longer relate to the 21 year old me.
In fact, sometimes I struggle to even actualize that I was the same person that lived then and now.
And I hope to grow so much over the next 10 years that I say the same thing when I am 41.
Will you join me on this journey to become our best selves through making ourselves proud of what we are doing in the current moment?
p.s. I am grateful for the people in my life that challenge me to become a better man today, so that all my tomorrows will benefit.