What is your heart saying?

Jul 12, 2022 2:00 pm

We are all so good at listening to the noise in our brains.

So much so that it drives many of us crazy.

I know what it is like to have a lot of noise going on in between my ears.

And I have done some crazy shit when I look back on my life.

If you know this feeling too, one thing I can recommend, is to start finding ways to tune into your HEART.

Easier said than done right?

What does that even mean CJ?

I can only describe what it feels like for me.

It is not thoughts, it is a feeling.

Like that feeling you get on a cold winter morning and take that first sip of your warm coffee/tea.

It just feels right.

For me, these two photos below represent that feeling.


^^^Photo from Clear Lake Creek


^^^ Blackhawk Colorado for some mountain biking.

I love adventure.

I love nature.

I love extreme sports.

And anytime I fill like there is a lot of noise in my brain, I know exactly what to start doing... lean more into the adventure that my heart brings.

But this isn't about me, this is about you.

You on the other end of this message.

What is your heart saying?

Heck, when is the last time you gave your heart permission to speak?

If it has been awhile, consider this an opportunity for you to tune in and listen up to what your heart wants for you.

I guarantee it will bring more life to your life.



p.s. today I am grateful for my friends like Eric Hinman who provide me opportunities that bring so much joy to my life.
