Health, Relationships, And Your Mission.

Jul 05, 2022 1:11 pm

I hope you enjoyed the holiday weekend with those you love.

Question I woke up pondering today...

is our societal system so poorly setup that we will not be able to get the masses back to what truly matters in life?

Which then I can ask myself...

did the masses ever truly understand what mattered in life?

What I see..

At every corner of your life is something or someone doing their best to steal your physical, mental, and spiritual health away from you.

Who needs real love when you can just swipe away on dating apps, or follow/like/comment on social accounts that grab your attention.

And isn't the mission to get a degree, find a job, marry the person, acquire money and material items, stack your 401k and then die?

Am I seeing things clearly? Or is it just me?

Let's start with your health.

Without it, nothing else matters.

So why do you put your health at risk for your job/career, toxic friends and family, and quick thrills that may feel good now... but are detrimental to you long term.

Relationships take work.

The don't get built from a click of a button.

And they don't gain strength because of good times. They get stronger when they are testing how you will respond to the bad times.

So when someone disagrees with you, or makes you "feel some kind of way" ... lean into it, rather than being dismissive and running away.

Your mission must be defined by YOU, no one else.

If I ask you right now what your mission is in life, and you stutter with a response, you now have some homework to do.

You were put on this earth for a reason other than what school, your job, your family, the TV, social media... tells you.

And unless you give yourself the time to think about this question, and define it for yourself, you will remain in the twilight zone of building someone else's dream and mission.




I want to help this world become HEALTHIER & HAPPIER by helping people build better relationships with themselves and those around them, in which they will do so by following their dreams and their life mission that they have defined for themselves.

And I hope if you are reading this, you already are on the path I describe above, or you are avidly working hard towards pivoting your life in this direction.

Have a wonderful week!



p.s. today I am grateful for my surrounding community that understands why health, relationships, and dreams/missions are so important to THRIVING ON LIFE.
