master the monotony.
Jun 28, 2022 1:31 pm
The focus of life is on the flash.
Wake up.
Brush your teeth. (Or at least I hope this is what you do lol)
Pick up your phone.
Is this your morning?
Not judging if it is.
Your phone is an immediate dopamine booster.
Even the strongest of humans find it hard to detach themselves from easy dopamine boosts.
Okay CJ, what is the point here?
The point is, that ALL OF US have been conditioned to direct our attention at the "flashy" things in life.
The things that make us go "OOH and AAH."
So much so, that society practically instills it in us to cut corners to find the fastest route to the flash.
I can't tell you how many people I talk to that want "success" now.
Heck, not even now, they wanted it yesterday and are anxious and depressed today because their life doesn't match the life of whatever IG or TikTok person they are following.
Let's switch this up!
Let's turn this convo on its head!
What if the "flash" was you doing the simple things at home? What if the "flash" was you waking up and meditating? Reading that book that is collecting dust? Calling your friend you keep forgetting to call? Doing the little chores of the day that must get done to keep your quality of life on par? Smiling and saying hello to other people when you grocery shop?
Okay this last one I just said has me thinking.
How many times I have gone to the grocery store and caught myself scrolling or posting while shopping. Or putting my headphones in and losing myself in a podcast or music, rather than just being present.
WTF. ^^^
This is what I am talking about.
One of the lifestyle habits and mindsets I have worked the hardest at over the years is learning to MASTER THE MONOTONY.
And when I ask myself what does this mean?
It means not distracting myself or trying to escape small moments that I have attached a "boring" or "tedious" adjective to it.
Those moments are just as much a part of life.
They deserve my full attention.
In fact, when I give them my full attention I actually feel better. I perform better. I show up as a better human.
But damnnnnn is dopamine a hell of a drug that I get caught chasing all too often.
I am far from being the master that I hope to be.
And I will forever be working harder at improving.
Reflection and acknowledgment is the first step on the journey, and with today's message I am hoping to raise your level of awareness of how often you let the monotony master you, rather than the other way around.
p.s. today I am grateful for the rain that came last night. Running in 80's versus 90's/100's for a day or two is going to feel really nice lol.