unfiltered frustrations about dating (and how it applies to marketing and branding)

Feb 27, 2025 10:01 am

Dear ,

Every now and then I venture into the dating apps because... well because I've zero drama in my life so sometimes I like some fun (we're all human right??)

These are the common remarks I hear...

“I’ve been on the dating apps for 1 week now and literally have not been getting any good conversations, urgh I don’t think it’s working.”

“Uhhh I’m just exploring, figuring it out…” (basically code for— I don’t know what I’m looking for)

[within the first 3 hours of conversation] “You look f*cking hot in your pic” (and then more explicit “compliments”)

Sounds familiar?

We see it in Marketing. When people build their personal brand and start content creation.

“Yea I’ve been posting for 1 month now and idk… maybe social media is just not for me…”

“My strategy is to find ways to collaborate with people with a strong following…” (then I look at their social media page and they haven’t shared anything substantial about their work, story, or thought processes)

[just 2 hours after following me on instagram] “Hey I think my upcoming thing is gonna be great for you…!” (ok how do you know me??)

Most people are posting on social media because they want to get visible, not build an actual relationship with their audience.

They post once or twice and then think they’re just not good at it.

They think posting A LOT and following those “proven content secrets” would work, when they lack clarity of the audience they want to speak to in the first place.

They’ve been trying to build their brand for years. But the social media space has evolved and it doesn’t seem to “work” as well as before. Yet, they keep posting the same stuff instead of analyse, reflect, and tweak their communication and content.

Marketing and Branding is just like building any relationship:

It takes time. There’s no proven timeline, but good news is— the more you deepen your self-awareness and improve your communication skills, you collapse time and speed up intimacy.

If you don’t know what you are looking for, people will force-fit you into what they are looking for. You’ll expand energy doing things you don’t even want, entering relationships you’d rather not be in.

You initiate a connection because you like what you see in the person. Because you enjoy the conversation. Because you like how authentic it feels around them.

— NOT because you want something out of them: their validation, their money, their network…

(because otherwise, you’re just like those douches who swipe right already thinking about getting in your pants. Which btw, is fine, if they put “just DTF” on their profile… but we don’t see anyone putting “I’m just posting to get your money” on social media, do we?)

It evolves. To the people who have been here for at least 5 years, you’ll know— you grow and your audience grows. Sometimes, you outgrow each other, or you simply drift apart. It’s ok, there’s no hard feelings. We find the people we’re meant to be around at different seasons of life.

If there’s a law I could pass— it would be for anyone who goes on social media (and dating apps) to have to meet a certain level of honesty on their profile.

Stop masking your intentions, because your dishonesty smells.

Fortunately for me… The clients I work with are the complete opposite. They have the most amazing intentions to serve, to connect, and to impact— but they are held back by fears, doubts and insecurities.

They don’t want to seem “too much” or too salesy. They don’t feel like they have “enough clarity” to start using their voice (despite the amount of inner work they’ve done with me AND the years of experience they have delivering results for clients)

We’ve many people online who speak with too much confidence without ever questioning their intentions. Meanwhile, far too few purpose-driven leaders use their voices—despite having the power to create real impact.

Btw, we’re all human. Does a part of me want validation, money and all that? Duh?? But I’ve chased that long enough to know it doesn’t give me actual fulfilment.

True fulfilment comes from me Owning My Voice— that is: deepening my self-understanding and expressing my perspectives with my unique voice.

And THAT is why I use my voice on social media. Nope, I’m not doing it because I want to help people (I’m really not that virtuous).

I’m doing it because using my voice gives me so much pleasure, and it just so happens that me doing it helps others (all a happy coincidence).

So if you’re like me, and you know using your voice is a non-negotiable area of growth for you… Let's start using our voice, shall we? 🤍

Wherever you are on your journey, it's never too late to dive even deeper into authentic branding and compassionate marketing. 

When you build a trusting relationship with your own voice, strengthening the relationships with your audience feels effortless. 

🎉 Join me at my upcoming LIVE CHALLENGE: Rising Leaders House Party— huddle with other leaders in an intimate group experience who want to grow their voice, speak with conviction, and build a timeless brand. 

We start on 1ST MARCH (THIS SAT) 🥳 

This course is designed for busy peeps with a packed schedule (I know cuz that’s me…) There’ll be plenty of time to learn, practice, integrate, get coached, and connect with other like-minded leaders!

For 2.5 weeks of LIVE energy— we’ll dive deep into your well of unlimited inspiration, learn how to write from a place of creativity and freedom, and market yourself and your work with strategic intuition.❤️‍🔥

We’re gonna get closer to discovering your

⚡️ IT Factor— so you speak, market and connect like YOU 

⚡️ The world you wanna build— so you find the little part of the internet where your people will hang out and build genuine relationships 

⚡️ Your signature brand story— so you can connect deeply and inspire your people to take action and change their lives 

The party is 70% filled— it’s gonna be an intimate group + full of amazing energy! Let 2025 be the year live a life of creativity, curiosity, and infinite possibility 💫


You’ll learn what it takes to define your unique voice in your industry and become a voice worth following. 

Once you sign up, you'll get instant access to a BONUS resource: Party Prep, the pre-work for the House Party!

I can’t wait to see you at the party! 🎈 

To be part of this, SIGN UP HERE👇🏼 More details can be found in the same link

Sign me up!

We’ve a maximum capacity of 20.

14 peeps have already paid and secured their seat.

Here's what people in the house party have been saying. We haven't even started yet, but the party pre-work has been doing its magic!




The decision to take action is a message to the Universe: I am ready for transformation. I'm ready for the opportunities (and challenges) you send my way.

So question is: Are you ready? To step into your power, to harness your unique voice?

Yes I'm ready!

In your corner,

Rae xx
