the lowest point in my career
Mar 05, 2025 1:01 pm
Dear ,
Sigh. I feel utterly alone. No one understands.
On the outside, people see me as inspiring and confident. What if they find out how messy I am inside? I procrastinate, I'm not making consistent revenue, I don't know exactly where I'm going... This is so hard.
You've just entered the mind of 24 year old Rae.
Back then, I had just officially started my coaching business for a year. I was determined to make it work. I had a dream— one so huge people probably think I'm delusional.
And I've never felt more alone.
As you can imagine, there are highs and lows in entrepreneurship.
There were months where I am on a high— I am ultra-clear of my strategy, convicted of my messaging, and signing clients allowing me to make more than a fresh grad. During these months I'd be very chirpy, excited to share my wins with my family and friends.
But there were many months where I was swimming in frustration and mind-drama. I felt drained, disconnected from my purpose, confused at my lack of results, and extremely burnt out. These periods are my lowest— I'd hide in my room and worked harder. I'm dismissive in conversations, and soulless during family dinners. My newfound entrepreneur friends wouldn't hear from me for weeks and I wouldn't post anything on Instagram. It would be like I have disappeared.
My greatest fear— What if people find out that I'm a mess, and I'm no longer of value?
What if my parents knew I was struggling and tell me to give up and "be practical"?
What if my friends knew I wasn't earning consistent money, and take pity on me, thinking I'm no longer a valuable connection?
How did I become this way?
You see, my journey as an entrepreneur started at 20.
For three years, I did everything I could to build multiple streams of income while in university— searching for emceeing gigs, diving into sales, and packing my schedule with training programs in schools.
My closest friends at the time made fun of me, called me a shady salesperson, and got upset when I couldn’t join them for clubbing and drinking nights.
My first business mentors shaped my business mindset. As much as I've gained so much from their mentorship, I've also adopted the traditional cut-throat mindset in business. The "grow-at-all-cost", "network and exchange value" kind of transactional strategy.
I was so afraid of looking unsuccessful, lest I get tossed aside.
With this mindset, I started my coaching business at 24. I worked hard every single day, feeling the weight of my dreams on my shoulders. Most days I barely saw sunlight.
This was a dark time for me, and the lowest point in my career.
I've never felt more alone. 😔
The one phone call that changed my thinking forever.
It was year 2022. Having been in the coaching industry for a year, I made a few friends on the internet who were also coaches.
I say that they are friends, but actually, they were more acquaintances. Sure, we meet, catch up, and co-work relatively often, but we've never seen each other at our lowest.
My perspective is this— the one thing that shifts an acquaintance into a friend, is when both parties have seen each other at their low moments. That is when there's an opportunity to be a friend.
Thing was, I never allowed anyone to be a friend to me. I never allowed myself to show up in my low moments.
Until one day, I received a phone call. It was a coach-acquaintance whom I admired. She always seemed to have it together— so strong, courageous, independent and convicted.
I picked up the call and my jaw dropped. She was SOBBING profusely. Oh my goodness. I've never experienced her this way.
I held space for her as she shared.
That was the moment my admiration for her turned into respect.
Three months later, I was going through a breakup and she was the first person I turned to. It was the first time in a long while I really cried in front of someone.
That moment really evolved our friendship. Her vulnerability gave me permission to be vulnerable too. I realised it was okay to be all of me— even the messy parts.
Today, I'm surrounded by the most inspiring entrepreneurs. They live magical, global, creative lives that push me to dream even bigger.
And the best part is this— they are my friends 🥺 We're there for each other in the highs and the lows.
Looking back, I wish I could tell 20-year-old Rae that there was an entire community of amazing people she would call her friends, if only she allowed them to be friends to her ✨
If you value genuine connections like me, this is a message for you.
The best relationships are formed when you come as you are. Your best friends, clients and collaborators.
It may seem hard, with our world becoming increasingly distracting and fast-paced. And this is why I've set clear intentions to make quality connections. To curate my network carefully, ensuring the people I surround myself with are passionate, curious, and abundant.
Because I know that surrounding myself with such people will fill me up, as I uplift them.
There's SO MUCH ⚡POWER⚡ in Connection. It makes life magical and full of possibility.
💌 If you value genuine connections like me, GenieFriends and I would like to invite you to our Secret Dinner: Own Your Voice Edition.
I've always admired the quality dinners GenieFriends have hosted ALL OVER THE WORLD, and it's truly an honour to co-host this Own Your Voice themed dinner with them.
It'll be a magical evening of curious conversations with passionate leaders, unlocking the stories of others and sharing our own.
We’re bringing together entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, storytellers, and creators to share their biggest dreams and greatest lessons. If you’re someone with a message to share—whether you’re leading change in your industry or within your organization—this dinner is for you.
🤩 What's super cool is our best “matchmaker” GenieAI will sort you out into the table you are best suited for. Who knows? You could meet your next collaborator, client or accountability buddy!
Oh, and there’s a dress theme— Main Character Energy! How fun! Come join us on 13 March (Thursday) and enjoy an evening of quality connections and good food.
EARLY BIRD tickets available until 6 March. You'll get 3 courses, a glass of wine, and priceless conversations.
More details + Sign up here:
I can't wait to see you there! I'd love to meet you, and we've saved a seat for you :)
In your corner,
xx Rae