F*ck your to do list.
Dec 05, 2022 2:20 pm
Make your TO BE LIST.
During the last session of the festival, Nick Pags was up on the stage speaking, and he mentioned creating a "to be" list.
Meaning, ask yourself who do you want to be throughout the day?
Do you want to be confident?
Do you want to be joyful?
Do you want to be at peace?
Do you want to be energized?
Who do you WANT TO BE?
Something you may not realize, is that when you are "doing" things throughout your day, you have the ability to CHOOSE who you want to be in that moment.
No matter the task or the situation...
You have the power to show up in way that you are choosing, rather than allowing the situation to control how you show up.
Now the question is, who do you want to be TODAY?
Let's keep this short and sweet and only focus on being that person of choice for the next 24 hours.
p.s. I am overwhelmed with gratitude from the past weekend. I am taking today "off" from my typical Monday schedule to rest, reflect, and digest all the energy that was both given and received.