Awareness, Action, and Actionability.
Dec 28, 2022 2:30 pm
Your greatness, or lack there of, comes down to the systems you have or have not integrated into your life.
And one of the most important systems I believe in...
Your life operating system.
What determines what you want and why you want it?
The actions you need to take to get what you want?
And what/who will hold you accountable to taking those actions?
That is why a few years ago I came up with a method to help myself in my own life.
I realized that for so long, I was unaware of who CJ truly was, and what I wanted out of life.
My actions revolved more around pleasing others than self-fulfillment.
And my accountability to living the life that I had dreamed of...
Was non existent.
So I began on a journey to change this completely around
- I worked to gain self-awareness.
- I took actions that were counterintuitive to what other people and society were telling me to take.
- And I joined groups/clubs/projects/businesses that would hold me accountable to continue taking steps down the path I had chosen.
January 2nd, 2017 is a big deal for me.
It is the day I resigned from my last corporate job.
And on that day I wish someone had handed me a sheet that said
Because it would have allowed me to be more strategic with my next steps, yet still remain like I was the one determining my own destiny.
Okay CJ, but how does this apply to my own life?
Let me make this more clear.
Most people are AWARE that they aren't living the life that they want, or are living up to the potential they feel that they can reach.
Most people have a general idea of the ACTIONS they must take to get to what they say they want.
Most people never truly understand how to be ACCOUNTABLE to themselves, their actions, and the awareness they will need to gain along the course of their journey.
And I don't want you to be most people!
Are you AWARE of what you truly want deep down?
Do you know the ACTIONS you will need to take in 2023?
What is missing then?
The most important part!
Who/what is going to hold you accountable?!?!?!
My recommendation...
Money buys accountability.
When humans spend their own money, they are much more like to do whatever it takes to make that money "worth it."
So in 2023 if you want to get fit...
Spend money on hiring a trainer.
If you want to learn a new skill...
Pay to join a group/class/environment that will hold you accountable to building a true foundation around that skill.
If you want to quit your job and start a business...
Hire a coach/mentor that has already done what you say you want to do.
Why is it that we treat what we want in life like it is rocket science?
Like magical thing that is hard to understand and achieve.
It is not.
It is as simple as becoming aware of your wants and needs in life, listing out the actions you need to take to bring those wants/needs to fruition, and investing in someone or something to hold you accountable to that path.
Then repeat this method over and over again to watch your life change for the better right before your eye!
I hope you consider doing this in 2023.
p.s. today I am grateful for the time I have been able to spend with Erin and friends during the holidays. I am reminded of how many amazing people I have in my life, and that is something I will never take for granted.