What do you want for Christmas?!
Dec 09, 2022 1:40 pm
With our son coming to the world in early 2023, Erin and I have been thinking about the "traditions" that we want to create for our growing family.
One of those traditions revolves around how we approach gift-giving every year.
Upon having a discussion, we decided that we want our family to be intentional with the "gifts" that we all give.
We don't want to buy whatever, whenever, just because it is trending or being marketed to us.
So what does giving an intentional gift look like?
We broke the themes down into Mindset/Mental Health, Physical Exercise, Running, Parenthood, Self-Care, Knowledge/Wisdom, and a few others that we have set as pillars to living a THRIVING life.
Essentially, what do we believe will help the other person THRIVE in each of those categories?
Another rule that we have implemented this year, we must begin to surprise each other again.
Erin and I are going on 5 years of marriage, and in the past, we have both not focused on putting forth the effort to surprise each other with gifts. (mainly because we have been both working towards the time in our life [now] to be in a position where we can truly give to one another, as well as those around us])
So this year all the gifts are getting wrapped and put under the tree as a surprise for each other.
Let me make this message very clear...
Gifts are cool and all...
But what I am intended to get through is it is more about truly thinking about what can you GIVE to your loved ones that will help them live a better life.
It doesn't have to be an extravagant thing that you buy either.
It can be time spent.
It can be a phone call.
It can be a written letter or card.
It can be simple, yet impactful.
This is my reminder to you that you can have a major impact by being intentional with how you give your gifts and time.
Now go make that positive impact! :)
p.s. I am grateful to have a partner in life who is willing to do the hard personal work with me, so that we can both instill that type of work into our family.