Monday. A dreadful day for many.

Dec 19, 2022 3:19 pm

Don't be the many.

EVERY SINGLE DAY, even Monday’s, are a new opportunity for you to add to your resume. 

But CJ, I thought you are not a fan of resumes?


I have a significant distaste for the paper kind. 

The life resume however....

...more people need to start investing more time into them.

Like flying to one of your best friends and spending time with them for a week. 

Have you ever done something like that?

It is simple, yet not easy for most.

Because CJ, self-investing is expensive and time consuming.

So are the bar/restaurants every weekend, the new clothes you “needed,” the car you “had” to have, the people you “must” impress.

(Squashing these habits can save around 300-500 a month, I know from experience 😉)

Here’s a secret, none of those things will ever add the value to your life that EXPERIENCES will.

New places.

New cultures.

New connections.

New memories.

These will provide you a value that material items never will.

And these experiences DO NOT have to be limited by what day of the week it is.

To kickstart your week, and spice up your Monday, I want you thinking of a few ways you can add to your life resume.

What is a new place you can go in 2023?

What is a new culture you have always wanted to experience?

Who do you wish to connect with?

When you think back on your life, what type of memories do you wish to have?


Stop waiting

Start creating.

Your life resume is waiting for you to start filling it out!



p.s. today I am grateful to be able to feel the kicks of baby boy in Erin's belly. These moments are something I will never forget, I am so very thankful for them.
