You are changing the world.
May 17, 2021 5:43 pm
Whether you like it or not, every day that you wake up and go out into the world, you are changing it.
Either for better, or for worse, the world is changing by every step that you take, and every decision that you make.
I am addicted to problem solving. Day and night my brain is constantly thinking about problems to solve. IDFK why I am like this, I just am lol.
And when I think about what I believe to be the world's largest problem, I realize that you, me, we... are all a part of it.
It is my belief that the world's largest problem...
is the human mindset.
Because in every given moment we can choose for "better" or for "worse" for ourselves and those around us.
The tricky part is that the for "better" is usual tough, and for "worse" isn't very clear in the moment.
So most end up making the for "worse" decisions without even realizing it.
Example: Eating the sugary cake now is for "worse," yet we justify it as for "better" because it is only one piece, it tastes good, gives us joy, and we believe nothing will happen to us in that moment. Yet, what happens when one piece turns into a piece/multiple pieces every day? Diabetes. Heart Attack. Cancer. Death.
Do humans blame the cake? Or do we blame the person's mindset for allowing themselves to choose the "worse" over and over again?
Sadly, the majority of the time the cake gets the blame rather than the person putting the cake in their mouth in the first place.
The premise of the above is to relate to the decisions you make on a daily basis. Often times the flashy "cake" is thrown in your face. And you want to jump on that decision and EAT IT. It'll feel good in the moment. But how will you feel later on? How will your decision now, impact your future?
This email is only here to have you open a dialogue with yourself. I cannot tell you what decisions you make that are for "better" or for "worse" in your own life. NO ONE CAN DO THAT FOR YOU!!!
Not your parents.
Not your family.
Not your friends.
Not your school.
Not your job.
Not your mentor.
You have to decide for yourself.
And my goal is to have more people that are fully aware of the impact of the decisions they are making on a DAILY basis.
The more people that become conscious of their decisions, the more like they are to choose for the "better."
I don't know about you, I'd love for this world to become better through the daily decision making of humans.
Have a wonderful week!
p.s. today I am grateful that I utilized my 20's to understand the impact of for "worse" on my personal health. The data I am currently collecting, by using myself as a guinea pig, it will be used for the "better" of many more than just myself...and this excites the heck out of me.