Live your life in COLOR!
May 05, 2021 6:14 pm
Stop being so fucking boring.
You could die at any given moment!
Literally, any minute now could be your last.
So why are you choosing a grayscale life, rather than one of color?
If it feels like I am coming in hot today, that is because I am lol.
Somebody has to do it for you, since most people around you probably won't speak their mind.
The words that are highlighted above, they are basically what I tell myself every morning...and now I am telling them to you.
What do I mean by a life in color?
Pretend you are your 3 year old self who is given access to a huge white canvas, and a bunch of different paint colors.
You damn sure know that the 3 year old you is going to make a mess.
And you would have a blast doing it all!
Laughs, giggles, FUN....and even though to most, the canvas will look like nothing but a mess, to 3 year old made a masterpiece.
So why as an adult are you living a life that is gray? When 3 year old you was filled with creative energy, joy, and an ability to LIVE a colorful life and create your own masterpiece.
A masterpiece that didn't need the approval of anyone but your own heart and mind.
Is it to please others?
Is it fear of failure?
Is it the need for social validation?
What is it?!?!?
Something has snapped in me recently.
I literally give the least amount of fucks I have ever given.
I want to help you do the same!
I can attribute this to the fact that there is so much in this world, so many colors...that I have not yet had the chance to experience.
So why would I waste any time on negative people, places, experiences...when there is a life filled with beautiful colors out there?
Why not live a life that 3 year old me would be proud to experience?!?!
Funny thing is...
Once you refuse to let any of those negative things enter your bubble...your life automatically has more spark to it.
So my challenge for you today, is to write down the things in your life that suck the color and spark out of your day to day.
Then go out into the world and do whatever it takes to strip away the gray areas, and start throwing your colorful paint everywhere!!!
p.s. today I am grateful for the cool breeze and sun I am currently sitting in. Go get outside today fam! That will automatically add some color too!