Sacrifice or suffer...
May 03, 2021 5:37 pm
it is your choice.
Here is a quick story for you...
There was an antelope in Africa.
The antelope was bitten by a Lion, but it got away.
The antelope kept running because if it slowed down, it would stand out, and make easy pray for the lion.
It did not have time to contemplate. Time to complain. Time to sit around and tell all of its friends the story of how it got bitten, and how traumatic it was. It just kept running.
And because it kept running, it survived to earn a chance to LIVE more days.
Are you like the antelope? Or do you suffer and become pray to your days?
In the story the antelope actively chooses not to suffer. Its natural instinct of survival kicks in and it keeps running.
Yet, humans, we are so privileged, that for most people, survival from day to day is practically certain.
What this creates is a world where humans contemplate, complain, and actively choose to suffer...rather than to just keep running in their lives.
Think about a time where you chose to suffer over sacrificing something.
Whether it was in a relationship, school, a job, your career...rather than sacrificing and withstanding some short term choose to suffer in the long run.
You, me, we...have all done this at some point.
It is my goal to help you realize where you have done it, that way you can prevent it in the future!!!
Here is an example:
For the past decade I have sacrificed some of my time every day to make it to the gym.
This has paid off in numerous areas of my life.
Yet, I could have just as easily chosen the other path and suffered the consequences of that choice.
Poor health. Poor mindset. Becoming financially poorer because of the monthly medication I'd probably be paying for.
Another example:
You have a job or career you are not in love with. You could quit and pivot your life to something you love...but you aren't willing to sacrifice and downsize your weekly/monthly expenditure by cutting out your weekly bar tab, material items that you have accrued, and expensive rent that you don't need.
So instead you suffer for months/years/decades at a time. Even though, a year or two of sacrifice could give you the life of your dreams.
How many people in our world don't see it like this though?
How many just choose to suffer, then they complain about their situation?
Don't be like them.
Choose to sacrifice some of your time right now, and earn yourself a better life for your future!!!
Have a wonderful start to your week! Lets get after it!
p.s. today I am grateful I had parents who showed me how to sacrifice in the short term, for long term gains. I saw from a young age what hard work and persistence looked like, and I am forever thankful for that.