Be the leader YOU needed as a kid.

May 14, 2021 6:50 pm

I just got off a virtual talk where I got the opportunity to connect and chat with high school soccer players from my alma mater. I am feeling invigorated!

The premise of the discussion was leadership, and how the student athletes can set themselves up for future success.

While they may have had some takeaways, I think the person most impacted was me.

At the end of the talk one of the students asked me an incredible question...

What do/did I regret in terms of my sports career?!

While I am not a person who lives with regrets, it did poke a hole in an old wound that I have been healing for over a decade now.

At the time I was a good captain on the practice/game field.

Where I failed though...was off the field.

I didn't build community in the gym.

I didn't build community in the classroom.

I didn't build community with excursions and experiences.

I didn't do the hard things when no one was looking. The things that are the glue to any championship team, small-business, brand, corporation.

What stopped our team from our ultimate goal had little to do with how well we practice or played, and everything with how we showed up when nobody was looking.

And today, one of the major reasons I show up day in and day out, is because I had to watch friends win championships, go pro, and do things with their lives that I knew would have been me if I had put the work in when I had the chance.

Again, I don't regret anything. The universe had a different plan for me and I am humbled by that. I am also VERY EXCITED by it because it gives me the opportunity to positively change the path for others. I can encourage others to not make the same mistakes that I did, so that they become the person they have always dreamed of!

Today, I want you to think about this one question...

What is ONE THING you can do starting today to become a better leader?

Without ACTION this question doesn't matter.

What actions are you willing to commit to?

Go do them today. Then tomorrow. And day after day until it starts to add up.

Be the leader that the younger you always needed in your life.

Repeat the traits and habits of those you look up to...and eventually you become that very person!!!

Have a wonderful weekend!



p.s. today I am grateful for the opportunity I had this morning. It has reassured me of my path, and I cannot wait to continue to chat with the youth of this world and help them help themselves and their blossoming futures.
