Water your plants this weekend!

May 06, 2022 12:54 pm

The ambitious man or woman thinks they need to set out to conquer the world every morning they wake.

Then one day, they begin to realize the world is in the palm of their hands.

You too.

The world is in the palm of YOUR hands.

Use this weekend to take a step back and realize all that you have, not what you do not.

Nourish your existing relationships, water the seeds you have already planted, and let the roots expand with time.

What you must acknowledge, is that if you are too busy planting more seeds, rather than watering your current plants... you will end up with a bunch of stunted plants and seeds that need attention you will not be able to give your attention to.

Focus on what you already have in the palm of your hands.

Block out the noise (news/society).

Focus on YOUR WORLD this weekend.

Water your plants this weekend!



p.s. today I am grateful for the world that I have in the palm of my hands. Everyday I feel alive, and I am grateful for that.
