Does your WHY outweigh your how?

May 11, 2022 1:14 pm


^^^ all of us at some point in our life when we are looking for someone to help us...when the reality is, we must help ourselves.




Me in late 2016: I am going to quit my full time job and build my own brand/business that focuses on helping make a positive impact on other people, brands, and businesses.

Critics around me: But how will you do it?

Today, I get asked how I did it, rather than how am I going to do it.

Every once in awhile though, I will get someone who asks the more important question, WHY did I start / WHY do I keep going?

Let's get practical for you in multiple ways.

Maybe you want to get in better shape?

There are plenty of very healthy, very fit people walking around this planet. This means the "how" is not rocket science. Yet, why are more people overweight and unhealthy, than fit? It is not because of the "how." It is because their WHY is not strong enough.

Maybe you want to get a better job?

There are plenty of companies hiring out there. Plenty of online resources you could utilize get connected with the companies and people within then. Getting a new job is also not rocket science. Yet why do so many people struggle to find the career path / job that they truly enjoy? It's not the how. They don't know their WHY.

Maybe you want to start a side-hustle and add extra income every month?

There has never been a better time in the history of this planet to make money. Hell, you don't even have to leave your bed anymore to make that happen. It is not rocket science. The "how" has been figured out by millions of people. Yet, what keeps so many people struggling to start something on the side? Their WHY isn't strong enough.


..why why

...why why why

....why why why why

.....why why why why why

My plan is to WHY you so much in this email that you can't get WHY out of your head for the rest of your day lol.

Why do you do anything that you do?

From the moment you wake up, to the time you spend throughout your day, until you jump back in bed at the end of the night...WHY do you do everything that you do?

Have you ever thought about this?

Do you just do things because it is what you have seen other people do?

Because someone else showed you / told you to live that way?


As for me, here is a short version.

I woke up one day and looked in the mirror.

I was wearing a suit that I was disgusted about the money I spent on it.

A watch that was more for looks than it was for telling the time.

Driving a Lexus that had all the gadgets, even air that came out of the seats to keep me cool during the Texas heat, yet was a terrible option for all the activities I love to do.

Pale from being inside all day, rather than playing outside like I love to.

Unhealthy and malnourished because I was stressed all the time by living a life that was a lie.

I woke up one day and looked in the mirror to realize my entire life was all about "how" I was going to get the job, make the money, buy the car, and do the things that "adults" do.

But WHY was I doing it all?

I definitely wasn't doing it for me.

So I started thinking what would my life look like if I started to let my WHY outweigh my "how."

My WHY started with the fact that I wanted to live a healthier and happier life.

This helped me figure out a better "how."

  1. Get bloodwork.
  2. Get better sleep.
  3. Get more sunlight.
  4. Run/Lift/Exercise daily.
  5. Surround myself with people doing all of the above.

The "how" then began to sort itself out because I anchored myself, and my life, around my WHY.

And I want the same for you!!!

WHY are you here on this planet?

Ponder this question today.

Then let it guide you tomorrow and every day after.



p.s. today I am grateful to be closing in on 20k podcast downloads. I am not one to focus on numbers because the person I had to become during the process matters so much more to me. So many great things in my life have happened while working towards that number, and for that I am forever grateful. Onwards and upwards to 1MILLION one day.
