Run towards conflict, not away.
May 04, 2022 2:20 pm
Are you running towards conflict? Or away from it?
The right thing in life, love, or typically the hard thing.
How many of us are truly choosing the right thing in all scenarios? Admitting to ourselves what we really want out of life.
It is a tough game to play. So many choices. The person next to you buying a house, a new car, and all the people on IG telling you which product to buy, service to be served, followers to be do you choose?
Choose the HARD WAY.
Don't buy the house because they did. You don't need a house to validate your worth.
Don't get the degree because they will like you more. You don't need a certificate to prove what you can do for this world.
Don't have the lavish wedding because they did. You don't need flashy and fancy to prove your love. Love is proven through the hard times, not the good ones.
Don't try to get followers because they are trying to get followers. You don't need followers to have connection. And true connection is what we all crave.
Don't try to follow the path of anyone else on this planet. The universe will not evolve if you wear down the paths already taken.
Run towards your goals.
Jump through your obstacles, don't avoid them.
And use every step of experience to build a life that was worth telling a story about.
Because at the end of the day, we all will leave this earth and the only thing that has a chance to remain are our... STORIES.
p.s. today I am grateful for the people in my life. You all make my days so fulfilling.