Make Your Deposits Today

May 16, 2022 1:19 pm

This past weekend, I cashed out my deposits.

Thank you Noah for this "deposit" idea today.

Before I talk about it...

Here is a photo of Erin and I after I competed at the HYROX World Championships on Saturday. I am beyond grateful I got to run the floor with some of the most mentally & and physically fit people to walk this earth.


If you saw me even just 10 minutes prior to this photo, you would have seen a very different me.

Woozy, wobbly, and desperate to keep pushing so that I would hit my goal time of sub 1 hour and 20 minutes.

10 minutes prior I was still depositing.

This photo is my cash out.

1 hour, 19 minutes, and 53 seconds.

I did it.

What is this deposit concept I am speaking of?

The morning of my race I received this message from Noah,


I highly recommend you find yourself friends who show up like this for you. ...and you for them. This is what life is about.

Prior to this race, I have ran more miles, poured more sweat, and questioned the purpose of my existence here on earth... more times than I can count.

Rain or shine.

Hot or cold.

Excited or tired.

I showed up.

Day in, and day out, the guarantee was that I would make my deposit.

It wasn't a huge lump sum on one or two days.

It was micro payments for over a year.

This is the true "deposit" lesson for us all to learn.

  1. You cannot cash out an empty account. So make sure you are depositing every day.
  2. Lump sums and "gifts" are not guaranteed ... while they may be a financial thing, when it comes to your goals in life, overnight success doesn't exist. It will take persistence, discipline, and a positive outlook to turn your dream life into your reality.

So now what CJ?!?

Well, this whole deposit idea has me thinking about how I can continue to make micro payments in other areas of my life.

How do I become a better husband?

How do I become a better son/brother/friend?

How do I become a better business partner?

How do I make small deposits in all the areas of my life that will lead me to LIVING the life I have dreamed of living?!?

And how do I encourage, inspire, and motivate YOU to do the very same?


This is what I left this last weekend with.

My full sense of purpose here on earth.

Using every heartbeat I get to have, towards making small deposits in my piggybank of life. And by doing so, guiding others along the way to make sure they too are making each and every one of their heartbeats count.

Today is yet another day I must go make my deposits.

Will you make yours with me?



p.s. today I am grateful for my wife Erin. I would not be able to make the daily deposits that I do without her support. She inspires me every single day to become my greatest self, and for that, I am indebted to her.
