If you don't make money while you sleep...
May 17, 2022 12:28 pm
You will work until you die.
Today's concept is simple, yet not easy.
I want you to make more money.
Because I want you to have the ability to make a larger positive impact on the circle of people around you.
But I don't want you to work harder for this money.
I want you to work smarter.
Start with this question...
Am I currently making money while I sleep?
-If the answer is no, why?
-If the answer is yes, in which ways? And how much?
Let's assume no.
Then let's also assume maybe you never thought about it, or maybe "you don't know how so you haven't tried," or lastly your family and friends never made money that way, so the skills never transferred over to you.
^^^ why do you allow yourself to have these excuses.
It is 2022.
YouTube is a click away.
Coaches/Consultants are a FaceTime away.
Books/Podcasts can be easily listened to.
Today you change that.
Here is how you start...
- List out all the ways to make money while sleeping (below are few)
- stocks
- real estate/Airbnb
- business ownership
- affiliate marketing
- private money lending
- digital product sales
- Once you have the list, do these 3 things...
- go online and find 3 "professionals" that you trust in each category.
- INVEST in one of their books, courses, groups, calls.
- Start doing the damn thing.
There are absolutely NO EXCUSES to you not having more time and freedom to live the life that you want. And if money is the thing "holding you back," change your frame of mind to say it is not the money... IT IS ME HOLDING ME BACK.
Take complete ownership.
The second part of the equation is making money while you are AWAKE.
Stay tuned for that section tomorrow.
For now, start asking yourself how you can make more money $$$ while you get your ZZZzzz's.
p.s. today I am grateful I live during a time that gives me easy access to valuable information. Seriously, the ability to connect with people, and information so quickly... over the internet... it changed the course of my life for the better.