May 12, 2022 1:54 pm
featuring Joel Runyon, a man who encourages you to push your limits through his brand IMPOSSIBLE.
Have you ever achieved the "impossible?"
Meaning, have you ever thought something was impossible, yet then years later you are living in a reality where that "impossible" thing became reality?
I thought it was impossible to pivot my life out of my corporate engineering job.
I thought it was impossible to become an endurance athlete, while also maintaining my strength.
I thought it was impossible to heal myself from my auto-immune conditions.
I thought it was impossible to wake up every day and be excited for "work."
I thought it was impossible to stop abusing alcohol and weed.
I thought a lot of things were "impossible."
If you reflect on your life right now, what you'll find, is that a lot of the things you used to believe to be "out of reach" for you, you have now attained.
What does this tell you?
Why as humans do we do that to ourselves?
Today's message is not about giving you an answer to the few questions I am having you ponder.
Rather, I want you to come to a conclusion for your own life.
And if you are struggling to do so, I highly recommend tuning into the episode with Joel. He is a pro at this. I know you will take away some tips and tricks to accomplish more "IMPOSSIBLE" things in your life!
Go crush your THRIVE THURSDAY and lets do the IMPOSSIBLE together!
p.s. today I am grateful to be traveling to Las Vegas with Erin tonight. I am competing in the HYROX World Championships this weekend. While I will not come close to "winning" anything at the event, I am grateful I get the chance to race with all the elite people who will be there this weekend. That is the real "win" for me.