Be more of a passenger.
Aug 12, 2022 12:58 pm
A few months ago, during one of my men's group calls I had a friend tell me something that will remain with me for the rest of my life.
My buddy Ty said to me...
"CJ, you are amazing, you are great at taking the driver's seat in life. Always being willing to help yourself and get others to where they need to be...
But there is one big problem with that....
If you are always driving, you will never get to fully appreciate the view.
You must surrender and be more of a passenger if you wish to experience what the views have to offer."
^^^ This statement hit me like a ton of bricks.
So much truth in less than a paragraph.
It changed my life forever.
And now I am hoping it will change yours.
It's Friday.
Another work week is "done."
When you reflect back on your week, how many "views" did you get to soak in?
Or were you in the driver's seat the entire time just focused on getting from A-Z?
Now reflect back on your month, this whole summer, this entire year...
How many times did you find yourself surrendering and allowing life to show you the way... rather than trying to control the way?
The fact is...
We are all heading in the same direction...
A one way ticket to the grave.
Yet, what we do in between A (birth)-Z (death) can either be filled with immaculate views and experiences, or it can be an overpacked cage of worries, doubts, fears, and controlling tendencies to try and escape them all.
Today, I actively do my best to surrender to the experiences, rather than the fears and worries.
And I encourage you to do the same. :)
Quick shoutout to one of my best friends Jeff. We have known each other for over 20 years.
Currently, he is in Austin visiting me for his bachelor party weekend coming up.... and he has done an amazing job surrendering to the "Finley bootcamp" as we call it lol.
The last 48 hours have been jammed packed with Sauna and ice baths, trail runs, lifting sessions, walks, swimming, vitamin IV drips... and a bunch in between.
This man has done it all like a champ.
p.s. I am grateful to have humans like Jeff in my life. It makes the A-Z experience soooooo much better.