Stop running from; run towards.
Jul 29, 2022 1:31 pm
For the majority of my life I was running FROM something.
Running to escape the feelings, hide the pain, and forget my problems.
These days, I run FOR something.
I run to remember those who can’t anymore.
I run to inspire myself, and others, to become better versions of themselves.
I run because having the ability to do so is one of the greatest gifts I have been granted as a human being.
I run for the belief that with every step I take, I’m gaining energy that will help me continue to make this world a better place.
And today I’m grateful I have the chance to run again, on this new day that I have been blessed to be a part of.
Running for something changed my life forever, and to be a part of communities (both physically and digitally), where we motivate someone to take a step in changing their own life .. that means the world to me.
Today is a day I am taking time to reflect on the good that RUNNING TOWARDS something has brought me.
I am also asking YOU to walk, jog, run this weekend... towards something that is meaningful to you.
Every step counts.
If you take me up on this, SEND ME A PHOTO OR TWO OF YOU IN ACTION!!!
You are not alone on your journey.
WE can go so much further, TOGETHER!
p.s. today I am grateful. All around grateful.