It is not about answers, it is about questions.

Aug 15, 2022 1:54 pm

Asking yourself the right questions is imperative if you wish to get the most out of your life.




The past two weeks have been a whirlwind.

Men's retreat followed by a bachelor party.


Tons of fun!

But glad to drop back into my everyday life and everything I love about it.

To start the week, I am reflecting on what is my greatest takeaway from the time I just spent away from my norm.

Usual it takes me a bit of time to reflect and grasp what I can take away from certain events.

This time around though...

I feel there was a similar theme over the course of a two week span.

Reflection number 1...

All of us are lost and insecure in some way.

Reflection number 2...

Some of us frequently ask ourselves how we can overcome number 1, and some of us fear asking ourselves that question, and instead, we run away from it and allow ourselves to become even more lost and insecure.

The theme that I saw, is that no matter where you are at in life, there is some kind of question that you seek the answer to.

You want a new job, or to move to a new city, or to find a significant other...

Or all of the above.

Maybe you want to improve your current job, explore your current city, or strengthen the relationship you currently have with your partner...

Or all of the above.

Again, all of us are unsure or lost in some way.

The difference between us is...

are you willing to ask yourself the hard questions that will lead you down the path of overcoming your fears and insecurities?

Are you willing to look in the mirror and own the fact that everything you have now, and everything you will ever have in the future, is determined by how willing you are to ask yourself the hard questions?


Maybe you want to make more money $$$.

Most people are asking themselves "hmm, how do I make more money?"

Yet, the question that is more painful to ask...

"Why haven't you made 'more' money thus far?"


The second question forces you to look in the mirror and explain your faults and bad habits.

Same goes for fitness.

Want to be a more fit version of you?

The question isn't "how do I become more fit"

^^^ There are a million answers to this!!!

Yet, if you ask...

"What have I done that has made me unfit?"


Well, there are a few unique answers to the above question, answers ONLY YOU can truthfully tell if you so choose.

Do you see where I am going with this?

This week I want you to reframe some of the questions you have been asking yourself.

Peel back the layers of yourself.

Tell the truth.

And if you do...

Begin to watch yourself start to head in the direction of overcoming everything in your way.



p.s. I am grateful for the time I got to spend these last two weeks with people that mean a lot to me.
