The seed you plant today...
Aug 03, 2022 1:31 pm
I was going through some old notes of mine, and as per usual, I find something I wrote that just hits me at the right time.
On June 27th of 2018 I wrote this to myself...
The seed you plant today must be watered, given light, and nourished for weeks, months, and years for it to grow strong roots and reach its full potential.
Think of yourself as the seed, and every action you take the nourishment.
It can either be detrimental or positive for growth.
In any given moment you have a choice.
A choice to nourish yourself with actions that are positive for you, or you have the choice to repeat toxic actions.
In the short term it's easy to say "fuck it" and allow yourself to skip the days of water, sunlight, etc.
Yet, when you think long term, and realize that consistent positive nourishment to grow strong roots is what will build the life you want to live...
it gets easier to make the hard (positive) choices in the small moments.
The question you must now ask yourself is how well have you been nourishing your seeds?
p.s. today I am grateful that I started documenting my process years ago. It is nice to look back every now and then and realize how far I have come.