hard work IS NOT ENOUGH.
Aug 18, 2022 1:09 pm
Let me repeat...
Hard work is not enough.
As an athlete, I grew up for 20+ years going to the field at least once a day.
Hard work was noticeable.
Yet, in real life, it goes unnoticed for the most part.
You don’t win awards for being a great mom or dad.
You don’t often get acknowledged for giving every ounce of energy to your coworkers.
And you certainly don’t have someone at home giving you "free" massages and pep talks at the end of a 12 hour day...even if you have a great partner like I do. :)
The world is a huge place.
There are millions of people working extremely hard each and every day.
On the other hand, many do not slow down enough to point their hard work in the right direction.
They work hard for the wrong job, the wrong people, and in the wrong market.
Because they were raised by the notion hard work will get you "there," just don’t quit.
I’m sorry to say, you’ll always struggle to sell cars to people without a license, or a fur coat in a Texas summer.
Yet, some people still try to do just that.
Then they question why their life isn't panning out to what they had hoped it would be.
So if hard work is not enough, how do you separate yourself from the pack?
Slow down, find your WHY, map out your trajectory...and RUN.
Then adjust accordingly each day, week, month to see if you are on YOUR "right" trajectory.
Noticed how I said YOUR?!
Stop following the masses and define this trajectory for yourself.
How do we start with this trajectory?
Start with an exercise I love from the book the ONE THING.
This will be a step in working a bit smarter.
Because how do you expect to score goals if you don’t even know where the net is?
"Anyone who dreams of an uncommon life eventually discovers there is no choice but to seek an uncommon approach to living it.
The Focusing Question is that uncommon approach. In a world of no instructions, it becomes the simple formula for finding exceptional answers that lead to extraordinary results.
What's the ONE THING I can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?
If you have been following me for some time now, you know I spend a lot of time/money/energy on my health and wellness. The reason I do this, is because it makes EVERYTHING else in my life more effective.
I show up as a better husband/friend/family member/business partner/human.
I can live a more adventurous life (climb mountains, go on day long excursions)
I am more creative which helps me solve more problems for myself and other people.
I feel more joy in every day.
And a lot more.
Now it is your turn!
What's the ONE THING ....
YOU can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?
Maybe it is spending more time acquiring skills to raise your income level... and with the higher level income, you can free up more of your time to do the things you love.
Only you know what you MUST do.
p.s. today I am grateful that I have witnessed how consistent personal reflection has positively impacted my life direction.