Always be a student!
Aug 17, 2022 1:34 pm
Remember that ROME was not built in a day.
A lot of trials, tribulations and CONSTANT LEARNING and iteration must be done to finally end with a masterpiece.
Sadly though, so many of us stop our ambition of learning new things.
Due to ego, stress, and “lack of time,” we tell ourselves a story that we don’t need to know certain things.
This mentality is by definition a limiting mindset.
Which ultimately leads to a limiting lifestyle. And who the heck wants to live a limiting life?!?
You want to live a limitless life!!!
If so...
Be open to moving fast and breaking things.
You have to be willing to JUST START.
You can fear failure, yet you must have the COURAGE to keep going.
And most of all...
You have to continue to be a STUDENT throughout the entire journey!
I don't just say this.
I practice it.
Today I am ordering $100M Offers: How To Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No
To sharpen my skills at creating product offers and value to my customers.
What are you going to be a student in?
I'd love to hear!
p.s. Today I am grateful for the dinner I had last night with my good friend Faiez. He filled my cup with more knowledge and energy to continue down the path of impacting more people.