View your life like the stock market

Aug 01, 2022 1:31 pm

Don't have too much of your emotions wrapped up in the everyday ups and downs of life...when the long term graph will show GROWTH!!!

Below is a 90 year historical graph of the S&P 500.


Instead of letting your emotions be dictated by the highs and lows of days or weeks, look at your life over a longer period of time.

Because if you judged the stock market over the course of time, you see that it is rises significantly over the average age someone lives (77 in America).

Yet, if you only looked at the daily ups and downs, or weekly/monthly ups and downs, you would never get to see the overall progress. 

Sadly, too many people are judging their lives by the daily ups and downs, rather than appreciating the long term growth that they have achieved within their own lives. 

Today I want to ask you...

how are you currently viewing your life?

Are you letting every little up and down determine whether you should be happy or sad? Angry or peaceful?


Are you steadfast on your path?

You do have a choice in this matter.

I am here to remind you of that.



p.s. today I am grateful for the time I got to spend with my wife over the weekend. We were getting ahead in a lot of areas of our life and I am so fortunate to have someone who is willing to put the work in with me. :)
