Good evening,Did you know your heart can beat around 3 billion times over your lifetime? Isn’t that pretty amazing? Your heart deserves as much support as you can give it to keep it strong and supple!There are some very simple things you can do...
Good morning, Semi-serious question for you: How often do you think about your muscles? (I mean, besides how they look. ;-) )I am asking you this because we expect our muscles to be able to perform for us at a second’s notice. But what do we do...
It’s SPRING TIME and you know what that means :-) Time for a little freshening up and spring cleaning!Love this quote: “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” - William MorrisSo- are you ready...
Good evening,Have you ever sat down all day working… and when you finally finish, your body is mad at you when you get up off the chair? Like, it almost refuses to straighten up all the way and let you walk like a normal human being?Your shoulde...
1 year has passed can you believe it! 1 year of being online. It’s madness! I think we can all say that it wasn’t the year we were expecting! I know that some of you out there are desperate to get back to some kind of reality and I am also...
Good evening, Your body LOVES to move … right down to its smallest molecules!In fact, we’re wired for it … and your health depends on it.Here’s a shocking stat for you:“In less than two generations, physical activity dropped by 20% in the U.K. a...
How are you doing? I don’t know about you, but I find these times quite boring and difficult sometimes. However, I do strongly feel though that meditation helps me during these challenging times and I wondered if you have managed to listen to any of...
So sorry its been a while since I've emailed. I lost my nan to cancer Christmas eve so i've been doing a lot of self care since then. It was a stressful time losing nan during lockdown as I was only able to see her twice due to nan being in a home. I...
Hi !How are the New Year's resolutions going? Did you set any? Let me know by replying.We are halfway through January and if you haven’t already seen it on Facebook, check out the Wellness Calendar by clicking here. Small steps to eating better and e...
Sorry! i put the wrong day in for the free Pilates it is indeed Thursdays! How are you getting on? Can you believe it’s another Lockdown in the UK! How’s your stress levels? Mine went sky high when I heard I was going to have the children at hom...