But. . .How?

Dear , I am sitting at my desk looking out the window. It’s green and yellow today, sunny and cool. It’s hazy, orange, reddish, and dark somewhere else. Close. I hope you are paying attention… I say to myself. I have been taking time f...

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Sep 13, 2020
Your Presence Is Requested: YOGA PARTY!

Dear , It rained! It rained and it has been a delightful partly cloudy all weekend. I suppose I’ve been feeling a tad sentimental all weekend. Wandering a bit in my thoughts, Grounding in my prayers. Ultimately trying to...

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Sep 06, 2020
You Are Not Alone + September BUILD

Dearest , Heartfelt greetings from the Texas Hill Country. There is a heat advisory. Again. It’s hot. From Beirut to Beaumont, Northern California in the news. Blazing trails all over these days. Flares, burn out, some, no, m...

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Aug 30, 2020
The Grace Of A New Day + Your Morning Tool Kit!

Dear , Whoa, whoa, whoa…How are you doing over there?I know. What a time. What a time to remember that you have the tools to let go, rebuild, and recover. You got em. For this last week of August, we culminate our community t...

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Aug 23, 2020
The Unity We Seek

Dear , My weather app says 106 degrees. The pools are closed. I am reading and trying to understand why postal boxes are being removed, and still trying to keep my victory garden alive. Things are heated. And when things feel off, or o...

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Aug 16, 2020
The Practice Of Being Genuine

Dearest , The practice of being genuine. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. On my morning walks, I move from being deeply isolated in thought, or invested in a book - to looking up to greet someone, sometimes stopping to chat....

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Aug 09, 2020
Hello. I am right here with you.

Dearest , Hello you. Hello August. Hello deep divine friend within. Hello beloved. Hello mad world. Hello honey. Hello hive. Hello Beyonce’s new visual album. I am home.Home from a trip out east and back,...

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Aug 02, 2020
It’s Called Love + August Yoga Self-Study Calendar

Dearest , Last I wrote you, I packed my bag and the next day, hit the wide-open road to drive east.Greetings from Maryland.For those who are new to this weekly love letter, welcome. I come bearing gifts and prompts for contemplation. This week’s...

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Jul 26, 2020
NEW! Peace Before Screens Flow

Hello, Find What Feels Good Members!New on the membership today is the first video in the new "Peace Before Screens" series by Adriene. This intermediate practice is a perfect go-to if you are interested in building a sustainable routine that serves....

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Dec 12, 2019

Hello Friend, The thing about it is…You will never knowJust how meaningful It could be For youTo show up for yourself Fully.The thing about at home yoga is, it’s all you, baby. The orchestra of science and soul that play out...

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Dec 08, 2019