It’s Called Love + August Yoga Self-Study Calendar

Jul 26, 2020 3:45 pm

Dearest , 

Last I wrote you, I packed my bag and the next day, hit the wide-open road to drive east.

Greetings from Maryland.

For those who are new to this weekly love letter, welcome. I come bearing gifts and prompts for contemplation. This week’s featured video is precious. To me, anyway. I like that Benji is in the intro and I think the theme is one that will serve a lot of people right now. 

Where do you go when you need a reset?

Our yoga practice offers us the tools to develop our relationship with ourselves as well as to a higher power, a greater awareness. 

The individual practice of yoga offers you the opportunity to reside in the role of the observer.

I find that my time in meditation and the non-judgmental role that I embody in my own practice has really, how do I put it?

It has really saved my ass lately. 

When the heart is heavy, or your mind is racing, when you have already long leaned into discomfort or feeling off - where do you turn for a reset?

A healthy head and heart connection helps us to discern what serves our energetic state. It also helps us to process things in a way that teaches us to learn to love, and love to learn. 


Head and Heart Reset

When you take the time out of your day, even if it is a short stolen moment, you provide yourself the opportunity to raise your levels of awareness and increase your ability to remain in a positive loving state. 

This allows you to function at an optimal state for the day, to feel good, and to transmit that good feeling to others. 

It’s called love.

To assist you in creating a daily love practice, we have put together a new calendar for you to follow for the month of August. 

This one focuses on the power of the practice as a place for self study. A healthy exploration of spirit and self to go with your poses and your asana. An opportunity to practice daily and manifest presence, peace, and truth - in this uncertain time.

And it’s all free. It’s called love. 

Read more about our August community theme and get your free practice and playlist HERE. 


FWFG Members can try pairing my 10 minute Befriend Your Mind meditation with today’s feature video! In this practice, we learn how powerful it can be to not fight our thoughts but to simply notice them without attaching to their stories. You can access it or become a member here.

This one was shot with love in Mexico City at Casa Hridaya in 2019 - and put together just for you, from my home in Austin, Texas.

Thank you for reading and for your presence in this community. I will see you on the mat. 

With Love, 


May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.

 – Saint Terese of Liseaux 

DUE TO VOLUME, please do not respond to this email. However, I'd love to hear from you! Please leave a comment on the video here if you would like to share your experience. 

If you have a questionplease visit our help page here. You might find the answer you are looking for already listed there. If not, you can contact us directly through the contact form on that page and we'll be in touch as soon as possible.
