Ground Into Gratitude & Invite Your Inner World To REST

Dearest ,I write you from the Texas Hill Country, where the morning fog is comforting and everything is damp from a sweet sunrise drizzle. We have been out here shooting our next 30 Day Yoga Journey, which I will announce in Dec, and begins Janu...

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Nov 22, 2020
You Know Where To Find Me!

Dear ,I am writing you from home after spending the week in what feels like a Texas hill country bubble, calm but not on vacation, working and creating something from the heart, for you. For us. Read: full project mode. Yes, believe it...

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Nov 15, 2020
How Will You Be Involved?

Dear ,Oh my my what a week, what a year, what a world we live in. No? I hope this love letter finds you doing okay as you navigate your current waters, whatever level of relief, joy, weariness, and murk they may be.I am writing you from back home, wh...

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Nov 08, 2020
Hang On For The Ride (+FREE NOV CALENDAR!)

Dear ,Greetings from West Texas where we just received the first cold snap of the season. Chances are that I will be wearing shorts and a tank top again by the time I get home, but it has been cold and cozy this week, providing a nice environmen...

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Nov 01, 2020

Dearest ,I am sitting at my desk, Benji at my feet, watching a lizard slowly inch its way directly in front of my eye line. It appears to be a little dance, a show of impressive neck stretches and sweet steps. I see you bud. Maybe a long lost fr...

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Oct 25, 2020
How We Really Learn To Fully Love

Dear ,I was recently asked to share something that I thought I knew, but later found out that I was wrong. While there are many things I can chew on, I got to thinking about how 10 years ago I thought I knew what the ultimate for loving and cari...

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Oct 18, 2020
My Motivation For Getting On The Mat

Dear ,Our yoga practice offers us the opportunity to explore the breath and the body, which can hold remnants of the impact of stress and trauma. I have discovered that time on the mat can really help us look at the root of where a feeling or se...

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Oct 11, 2020
Back To My Whole Being, I Go +  Free Shakti FLOW

Dearest , Autumn is here where I reside and while I have been yearning for the shift in the air to simply sugar coat soothe, it seems instead, I find a strange feeling in my chest, a tiny locked feeling that sometimes blossoms. My energetic body...

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Oct 04, 2020
Love Is An ACTION?

Dear , Hello, with love,From my little corner office, In the house in which I am building my self. There are days in which I break down.Oh yes, of course. If that is you too, high five. You are not alone.  And then there are days in which...

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Sep 27, 2020
What Are You Building?

Dear , September is keeping me on my toes. How about you?I hope this message finds you doing well. Despite the tidal waves of uncertainty and injustice, confusion, and worry. I am seeking the meaningful, working to be useful, making my...

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Sep 20, 2020