Your Presence Is Requested: YOGA PARTY!

Sep 06, 2020 10:01 am

Dear , 

It rained! 

It rained and it has been a delightful partly cloudy all weekend. 

I suppose I’ve been feeling a tad sentimental all weekend. 

Wandering a bit in my thoughts, 

Grounding in my prayers. 

Ultimately trying to loosen my grip a bit on my dire knack for perfectionism and aiming to step out of that post full moon wave of “Should I be further along? Am I doing this right?” 

Luckily I’ve wandered back to what feels like center, today. Taking shape in what feels good and enjoying the view through the hopeful frame of my window.

September is here and with it we are following this calendar and focusing on the action of BUILD.

We also have a brand new video hitting the YouTube channel today - made with love and designed for you to find a little light during these dark and unusual times. 

On the journey to seek connection, yoga offers us a chance to both look inward, and to expand outward all in one breath, one shape, shifting to the next breath, the next shape. 

It offers us the tools to stay present with ourselves and to be present with one another in the NOW. Now can be uncertain, uncomfortable, and at times, not fun. We long for time with friends, activities that feel supportive, we miss togetherness, and we fear for the future. 

Take time to fill your cup, practice feeling your own presence, and share sacred space with one another! 


Yoga Party

New on the FWFG App:

Your September Members Vlog! Complete with props, poetry, and Benji cam of course. 


Yoga With Adriene turned 8 yesterday! Chris and I could have never imagined that our little project would grow to be the big energy it is today. What a humbling and beautiful journey it has been. I am so honored and grateful to share in community and practice with you. I know that this is truly one of the greatest honors and pleasures of my life. Celebrating 8 years and all the unity we strive to recognize and nurture in community. Cheers to you, and each time we choose to so bravely show up. Thank you for welcoming me into your hearts and your homes. Let’s keep going. 

Your presence is requested. See you on the mat for Yoga Party!



PS: My Anchored In Love Series is back! I am teaching a LIVE Class with my local studio here in Austin. This will be a virtual practice held in the Practice Yoga Austin Zoom Room on 9/18. Donations collected for this practice will go to support the teachers, as well as help keep our space in Downtown Austin… till we see it fit to open again. All are welcome. Read more and reserve your spot HERE!

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.


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