The Grace Of A New Day + Your Morning Tool Kit!

Aug 23, 2020 10:01 am

Dear , 

Whoa, whoa, whoa…

How are you doing over there?

I know. 

What a time. 

What a time to remember that you have the tools to let go, rebuild, and recover. 

You got em. 

For this last week of August, we culminate our community theme of INQUIRE with a week of morning practices that focus on the power and grace of a new day. 

With the backdrop of uncertainty, focusing on rituals that serve the whole of oneself can help make, instead of break.

After all, Yoga is a series of new beginnings that welcome you back to being present on your journey, today. 

Not yesterday. 

Not later, “when things return to normal.”



Please join us for 7 days of morning contemplation and yoga practice this week!

It’s easy to say yes and start today,

Or tomorrow, to do the full week. 

Or just drop in when you can! 

There are two tracks - one you can find all for free on YouTube. 

And one, via our FWFG APP - where we will be doing my 7 Day Series called RISE

Many are surprised to find out that the cost of the FWFG APP for a month - is that of a single yoga class. 

I realized this when people asked if they could just buy my recent DEEP HIPS Practice + Relaxation without becoming a member.

It was my pleasure (seriously, I got a little emotional) to say, go ahead and get the class and the full month, it’s the same price of ten bucks.

You can also try it all for free via the 7-Day free trial here.


Whichever track you choose, we are uniting with today’s featured yoga practice on YouTube:


Sunrise Yoga

If you are ready to RISE, click here to learn more about the program.


May each day bring you grace and mercy, mercy and grace. 



You might see an angel anytime

and anywhere. Of course you have

to open your eyes to a kind of

second level, but it’s not really

hard. The whole business of

what’s reality and what isn’t has

never been solved and probably

never will be. So I don’t care to

be too definite about anything.

I have a lot of edges called Perhaps

and almost nothing you can call

Certainty. For myself, but not

for other people. That’s a place

you just can’t get into, not

entirely anyway, other people’s


I’ll just leave you with this.

I don’t care how many angels can

dance on the head of a pin. It’s

enough to know that for some people

they exist, and that they dance.


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